The bridge you don’t dare to cross

To KM, my greatest gift…..

And then all of a sudden there is this gap, a huge disconnection. No contact, no call, no texting, nothing at all. Silence! It feels like something is wrong. Really wrong. Like there is this difficulty of openly sharing feelings, not allowing intimacy to grow, or maybe still suffering from the past. The issue of trusting is huge—it’s like chipping away at a block of granite! More than afraid to cross that bridge. The ship of relation we were quietly building is slowly falling apart.

Fear is all over the air, bringing doubt and insecurity. But isn’t your insecurity or getting lost on the path you would like to choose? Isn’t doubt the fear to consider what suits you? About who you are and who you want to be? And what do you really want? Doubt is an opportunity to think about your standards and values. Greatly helping in making that decision. Whether or not to cross that bridge of light.

You can’t just move on from something unless you have stopped to accept and process the lessons the past is meant to teach you. You need to accept and forgive. Don’t keep records of wrongs, let it go. But don’t forget your past. Just say I’ve learned my lessons from the past but I’m moving on. Life is about the journey. Live in the present moment cause that is where life is. Open your heart. Take that leap even if you are afraid to go. Love yourself cause you are worth it. On the other side of fear is joy. Let’s go bungee jumping, remove yourself from your shell. Flirt, keep it light-hearted, trust that everything you desire exists.

And as you begin to work with that moment, taking parts of your “wiring” that aren’t working too well and adjusting them—thus creating happiness, laughter, and joy in your own life—the positive energy of these changes affects everyone else. Through your own personal life you are essentially altering a moment that occurred in the past, and when you change the past, it changes the present for everyone. The best you can do for others is to work on yourself.

We all have tendencies that lead to inappropriate behavior and feelings of isolation and unhappiness. The trick is to discover our own glitches and empower ourselves to avoid them. With this in mind life will stop giving us feedback that makes us unhappy. Life is too short to walk around blindfolded. Make yourself a priority and carve out time to do something you love. Surround yourself with the people who support your goals. And remember, sometimes there’s just no right choice. All options have pros and con’s. Follow your intuition, your gut feeling. Open up your heart, trust and cross that bridge of light. Dare to be and live life cause today is all we have!

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