Challenging dream

One day you had this plan… all mapped out how to build your dream. And then it started, you are constantly absorbing information. You know, simple stuff  like “How to do this?” “Why choose this?” “What’s the best way?”.

cabanaEy, no pressure guys! But to realize your dream becomes part of a life purpose. So, you fall for this constructor who helps you build your dream. And of course you have your doubts and you try to access your database of knowledge and truth. But it can be so confusing….you can drown in bad ideas, crash on the rocks and waste so much “sand in the hour glass”.

Oeps, suddenly rain pours down and it becomes one hell of a mud wrestling match. For that reason, you need a life guard… a light house… a hot surf instructor (don’t we all?) who shows you how to sail your ship (thanks guys for being there!). Yup, it takes a veritable fishing village to successfully navigate this dream stuff. But at the end the truth is you have so much power to dive into that own inner ocean of gut feeling. So, listen to it!

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